Deja Vu All Over Again

Jonathan Flowers

I am personally inspired by the folk who are driving forward the LG “”Digital”” agenda in multiple ways, through events, blogs, tireless work and at significant personal cost in terms of time, and, um … cost.

From several local gov camps and similar, and much tweetage there seem to be a whole set of recurring themes around getting this stuff to break through into action. Again.

There is an emerging realisation that something higher-order than good work in one or more authority is needed. And various attempts to create organisational forms that will take things to the next level. Again.

All of this dialogue, though eerily familiar, is actually incrementally useful in trying to put our fingers on the question of why this isn’t yet breaking through the way we’d like.

I don’t know the answer to that, but here are some thought pebbles to set spinning across the pond of “”digital””…

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What impact would a Local GDS have on the market?


I’ve read some really great posts on all angles of the Local GDS idea in recent weeks from a lot of people I respect.

Ben Welby made a number of cogent arguments in favour.

Phil Rumens suggested why he thought it shouldn’t happen.

Eddie Copeland of Policy Exchange has argued strongly for it to happen – and I find much of merit in his riff about open standards being a critical enabler of change.

Sarah Prag added a particularly interesting flavour to the discussion, really focusing on exploring aspects of the problem rather than jumping to the solution

Rob Miller expresses many opinions I share in his post pointing to the potential stifling of smaller local providers if we take a monolithic approach.

And many people track the whole discussion back to a post by Rich Copley – itself inspired by Dominic Campbell’s tweet in December 2013.


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